Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm not insane...

I've been thinking of starting a blog for quite a while, if only to keep myself writing beyond random bits of literary fiction I've been churning out for my professors. So when I finally got around to it, and gave it an appropriate name (I already know there will be very little actual structure here, rather just random musings), I decided to pass that on to a friend of mine. In response, I get a message saying something to the effect of, "That title sounds like something that you would come up with, considering your insanity." I'll have you know, I'm not insane. Rather, I'm a tiger riding a giant flying sandworm throwing cutlasses at sperm whales.

On another note, I'm on a spree of creativity at the moment. I didn't just get touched by a muse, instead, I'm pretty sure I'm getting my ass kicked by many of them while they repeatedly scream, "CREATIVITY!" And while that normally would be all well and good, especially for an aspiring writer, this sudden inspiration comes in many different forms, and I can't seem to focus on any single one. I started writing more, then suddenly felt like writing a song and switched over to that and not even halfway through started drawing. This is especially weird because I haven't actually drawn in a long time. However, it's not all bad, I came home from work today, and after this post, I have some stuff I can continue to work on.

Completely unrelated, I just recently finished James A. Owen's Here, There Be Dragons and honestly, if you're a fan of fantasy novels, read this book. I really had no idea what this book was until recently, when I went to Phoenix Comicon and met the author. It was somewhat of an impulse buy, as I only had a summary of the book from the author himself, but I don't regret it if only because of the last twist he put on it.

I think I'll end this post here, as I'm really compelled to start writing again. As far as a schedule for this blog, I'll probably update once a week on thursdays, and then whenever I feel like it.


  1. Yeah! I am your first follower. I'm excited to see what you will post in the future. The tiger riding a giant flying sandworm sentence is amazing. I now want to role play with you.

  2. Haha, did I ever tell you about my latest D&D creation? The whip-tripping zombie bard who lights things on sonic? It's awesome. :)

  3. You did not. I will have to ask more in person. Your background is distracting.
