Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Uninterestingly Busy || Ironically Free

I started this blog with a sort of promise to myself that I'd keep it updated weekly. That all went out the window when I took on a huge load of work over the summer, and just never really had the energy to do much after I finished every day. Then summer came to an end, and I found myself in school, interestingly enough, with more time available. With this ironic freedom, I was excited far too much and just started to fill every little bit of free time I had with something fun. And while this turned out OK, and fun as expected, I also now have very little free time to use again. While it doesn't feel like a chore when I'm actually doing it, I now realize how much time tabletop games can take from you. But no, I'm not going to turn this into a, "The negative aspects of tabletop games-- oh by the way I'm quitting lol," post. I don't intend on quitting them, I just have learned my lesson not to take on as many obligations again.

In other news, I'm loving my current classes, and am genuinely finding everything about them pretty awesome. (Well, maybe outside American Lit. But I honestly know two people who actually like our lit.) Creative writing has gone pretty well, and I'm happy that I'm getting back into writing again, and I've gotten some genuinely nice advice throughout the class. I may do some writing just for this blog, however, I can't promise much. After all, I'm writing huge papers for every class at the moment. While I was picking my classes, I knew I needed one more upper level ENG class, so I went and looked at the 400 list, and found Saints Mystics and Martyrs. I had no idea what to expect with it, but it definitely pleased me. Everything we've gone over in the class interests me, and everyone in the class is genuinely friendly.

In other news, when I haven't been busy as hell, I've been playing random games on the side. Playing said games became a much slower process than it used to be though. I only get a couple hours at a time. That said, I've had some pleasant surprises with some video games as well. It leads me to think I may want to post a sort of review for a couple games. I've always said I wanted to try doing that. We'll have to see.